Tuesday, 27 September 2011


What would the Aliens think if they were observing us right now?
Humanity is in a mess!  Our global economy is ailing.  Everyone is at each other’s throat  for this or that… people are dying of malnutrition both in Africa and in America: the Africans don’t have enough food; the Americans have too much of the wrong kind…
There are inflamed pockets of unrest in strategic places all over the world. 
They are threatening to spread and to take permanent control of the human psyche, overriding our intellect and turning us into irrational individualistic and egocentric fiends.
As a whole we cannot reach consensus as to what needs to be done in order to save our planet. 
We are sleepwalking towards our demise if we carry on exerting planetary resources at the rate we have so far…
But we are happy to carry on attacking both nature and our own bodies by plying ourselves with as many pesticides, drugs, and radioactivity as we can muster regardless of the fact that we have no effective means for controlling those forces! 
The closer we live to each other, the more aggressive we become.  
Fraternity and unity are only to be temporarily attained at someone else’s expense! 
Individuals form close knit groups in order to defend themselves from a perceived outside attack:  that’s what you see in football hooliganism, Communism versus Capitalism, Atheism versus Religion, Homeopaths versus Allopaths… you get the idea…the more insecure about your own survival you become the more  prejudiced against others, and the less tolerant to their views.  
Our fellow human has become a threat! 
Take the example of the London gangs who organise themselves by where they live and will attack members of other gangs if they come into their post code – by the way, I hope the powers that be have taken this into account in their restructuration of the London Boroughs…I’m not joking, the last thing we need now is gangs fighting on our streets to establish their new territories!
A common threat does wonders for cohesion and unity!
The secret is to find a common threat that is large enough to enlist us humans in the some war instead of dividing us to fight lesser causes. 
It needs to be something that doesn’t raise too many philosophic questions, and also something that it is truly an outside threat so that we cannot blame each other for it…
That’s why neither the approaching of the “End of the World” in 2012 nor the “Global Warming” are able to bring us all into unity! 
The first threat relies on the assumption that the Mayans had visionary powers for looking into the distant future guided by a mythical god; the second brings a pass the bucket attitude, with individuals cynically blaming companies for providing them with the means for planetary destruction… let’s try to be honest for once:  as individuals we should be able to take the responsibility for most of the damage that’s been done!  After all the corporations wouldn’t have been able to keep in business if we hadn’t support them by buying their products…  
Any way that’s not going to be a reasonable and permanent way to unity either, but let’s at least start by taking responsibility for our own mistakes and our own lifestyle choices!
Just a couple of days ago we're holding our breath and hoping that the UARS, that blasted thing that NASA had taken into space to monitor the damage that we are doing to the Ozone layer,  wasn’t going to fall on someone’s head! 
It’s okay for NASA to say that the chances of someone being hit are only minute, but when that is said under the same breath as “We don’t know where it is going to fall, and we cannot be precise about what day or time it'll happen…” it’s hard not to take it personally, and to not think that we could be the unlucky one who gets hit by that piece of space junk the size of double decker bus tumbling from space at high speed. 
Space junk is a serious problem with millions of objects orbiting Earth right now. 
Should we be angry at Space Agencies for trashing our atmosphere despite their knowledge of the increasing problem that they're causing even to their own spacecraft? Risking a huge ecologic disaster with such a cavalier attitude to discarding rubbish in space as we would leave our trash cans out for collection?  Or by dismissing incidents like last weekend’s with a “ everything that runs out of fuel will eventually come back down to Earth”? 
Off course I’m angry!  I would like them to start cleaning up after themselves!
It wasn’t me who trashed space!  But wasn’t I happy to see photos taken from space, to learn about new research and to find out about every one of the space missions? 
We are in this together… pointing the finger at each other and doing nothing is not going to bring us long term wellbeing! 
Still looking at a possible solution for our global fragmentation as a collective …
That’s right they may be the only solution we’ve got left!  So if there are any Aliens out there reading this blog:  prepare to do your bit for us, just come in, and stage an invasion!  That's a sure way to bring us all together in a collective effort against you - the common enemy, and to remind us that after all we are all human!
Oh! And by the way fellow humans, don’t let those alien invaders belittle us for our current financial mess!  Take them to Westfield Shopping Centre I’m sure it will put their alien minds at rest about the threat of a Terrestrial double dip recession!  

See you next week, same time, same place!

By the Undercover Homeopath

Friday, 23 September 2011

solar system

solar_system3 Sneak preview on new post coming up on Tuesday...

Wednesday, 21 September 2011


Every Monday between 4 - 5.30pm GMT I'll be on Twitter available to treat your ailments for free.
Any health problem less than a week old responds well to this kind of quick prescribing.

The challenge is to be objective and to keep your appointment to one tweet only at the same time as giving as much detail as possible.

On your tweet include in this particular order: your gender M or F, your age, what the problem is and where is located (i.e. R or L), how it started, what makes it better, what makes it worse.

If you are worried about privacy send me an Direct Message!

Chronic cases, and long term illness require a homeopathic consultation. Please email for more details:


Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Homeopathy Celebrities on the couch: Snoop Dogg, razzadazzle

Snoop Dogg
Snoop Dogg by ubgteam, Flickr
This week the Undercover Homeopath anylises Snoop Dogg's psychological profile according to Homeopathy principles, and prescribes a homeopathic remedy.

Snoop Dogg is more than just a famous rapper.  No matter what you think of his music or his lifestyle, moral and aesthetic values a side – he is a very talented guy!  He has come from humble beginnings, a difficult childhood blighted by his father’s abandonment, and associations with one of the best known criminal gangs of New York, charges of drugs possession and even of murder, although the last one was later cleared - to be a role model for millions of teenagers and young adults who come from a similar background to his. 
What happens when Fluorine meets Nitricum?  Or should I rephrase that?  What happens when Snoop Dogg meets Ian Neale? The effect can be rather amusing and stimulating for both of them.  Snoop Dogg is not only a very talented rapper and a good comedian; he is also an astute business man who knows how to engage his audience and to make every one of his fans feel special.  His homeopathic constitutional remedy is Fluoric Acid, Ian Neale’s is one of the Nictricums, possibly Nitric Acid.  
A few key notes on both and how these match what we know of both the Rapper and the Farmer. 
Fluorica the key word is EXIBITIONISM. It is mostly a male remedy.  This is the remedy for Playboys – they are very concerned with all things superficial, their relationships lack depth they can even feel intimidated by their own family, and certainly bored with any long term relationship.  What they are good at is everything fast. Fast career ascension, fast cars, and fast women (preferably with long legs and big breasts).  Appearance is also very important as a symbol of their status and supremacy above anyone else, their appearance, the way they dress and the way they look is designed to show others their greatness.  The Fluoric Acid in particular has a great sense of humour which they normally vent in sex jokes.  One of the characteristics of this remedy is the speaking in staccato, just like a machine gun.
Physically this is a remedy for exhaustion, mainly kidney weakness due to sexual exhaustion.  People who need this remedy tend to suffer from muscle/skeletal diseases as they have flexibility complaints, these can be on both extremes – they are too flexible double jointed like; or extremely ridged.  They can problems with their teeth. The Fluorica type can be ADHD especially as a child or a teenager and then become totally exhausted in later life.  They are considered to be amoral, resorting to crime, if needed, in order to achieve their objective.  They are great at social interaction but they cannot sustain this at a deeper level. 
We see many of these traits in Snoop Dogg.  His music style is a good example of the “like a machine gun speech” Fluoric Acid is known for. Although when not rapping he can actually sound quite relaxed and mellow – I guess this is a Cannabis effect, but it also shows the exhausted side of Fluoric Acid. 
His entry on Wikipedia is larger than most, to include all his achievements, deliberately omitting anything less complementary.  Even the arrest for Cocaine possession and the reference to his past affiliation of a notorious gang are listed as badges of honour. 
Snoop is in Europe and he’s surely being noticed!  He did his best to charm the Welsh people, wearing their football club’s shirt; getting familiar with the best traditional food places; praising fans directly such as the little girl who defended her mum when someone tried to take her purse, and inviting Ian Neale the ” Giant Veg Massive” as he called him, to his show to swap tips about vegetable growing.  All of this has been done in good spirits and effortlessly. He’s managed not only to promote himself and his show in Wales, but also to promote Marijuana by appearing in front of luxuriant Cannabis plants – and all with a great sense of humour.  His humour is normally focused on sex: after all the comments about the size of Neal’s cucumbers, and how the ladies must’ve been proud of him,  we have this week been treated to Snoop’s photos surrounded by Playboy bunnies – just to remind us that Snoop dominates in that area too…      
Snoop started from humble and difficult beginnings – and we can sense that the absence of his father was never totally healed.  Life in the Crips gang mustn’t been easy, nor the jail stints – but he has made it, he is a success story that most of us can all but dream of – I mean, you only have to look at the number of Followers in his Twitter account to see this!  Moral and aesthetic values aside, he is a very talented guy who knows how to communicate with his audience!
Nitricum Acid
The key word is EXPANSION. These patients have a concern with close spaces and constriction which they cannot tolerate!  They prefer large spaces, ideally open air.  They enjoy the good things in life, and they tend to exaggerate everything - they surely know how to tell a story, and they are the ones to come up with the best fisherman's tales, although these may not necessarily be wrong since they really have a gift for "BIG".  Do you remember the granddad in "Big Fish" the movie? That's right - a Nitricum!
Nitrate is used in farming for stimulating the growing of vegetables. But they can also be quite moralistic and critical of others. 
Although we don’t have the complete portrait of Ian Neale to be able to do an in depth psychological analysis, we can see some of the key elements of the remedy:  he is a farmer, and an expert at growing oversized vegetables – it all started thirty years ago for a bet with a friend on who would grow the biggest onion – Nitricum people are very competitive, although the Fluorica are the real gamblers! 
Ian handed Snoop a pack of Root Grow, Snoop Dogg tried to share a joint with him but he says he only had a puff as he didn’t like it. Mr Neale says that Snoop might be worth $100,000,000 but that he is aiming to grow a 100b sued next year, and that he will do it without any drugs just with legal substances.  Good luck, we definitely need some more dedicated farmers like him!      

By the Undercover Homeopath

The Homeopathy of the riots, the greed game and the name blame!

There are a lot of angry people out there and they are getting organised, so you better be prepared too, it could soon come to a city near you…

Last month it took 1,600 rioters and looters to cause £3 million damage to our economy - they were mostly uneducated, disaffected youths who have no sense of belonging, who don’t fit in their community, who were brought up by their single mothers, whose majority can even read…

It took one man to cause a damage of £1,5 billion and he was neither angry or hungry!

The difference is that K
weku Adoboli is no dumb thug he is a Quaker public school educated man, considered by his former colleagues to be a gentle, sensitive, and serious too goody shoes who never told jokes, and who used to speak to the other students on how his parents inspired him to be the best! His father, a retired senior UN official, has since come forward to declare his son “a man of integrity” and to ask us all not to make harsh judgements. It is indeed possible for Kweku to be a man of integrity but he has made a mistake and if we are to measure mistakes by their financial impact: a huge one!

But be aware of the quite ones…the smooth talkers who seldom get angry are the ones capable of causing the most damage!

This man of integrity had a dark secret, one to which he briefly alluded on his Facebook page when he said “he needed a miracle” …in the end there was no miracle and he had to own up to the fact that he had made a huge gamble with his bank’s money and lost. This was magnified by the devaluation of the Suisse Franc.

There is a lot to come out in this story in which a single man is being made a scapegoat by his employer in what is largely a game of greed gone wrong.

Had it gone right he would have been up for a huge bonus, a pat on the back and perhaps a promotion! Maybe it’s just me but I can never resist a chuckle when I see someone scoring their goal…It is almost as impossible not to laugh, just like when we see someone tripping over on the street! I guess I have a bit of juvenile sense of humour…well done UBS!

There is also another important lesson to be learn by the riots and UBS’ losses:

They put a price tag on education like nothing could have done it: take the round figure of £3 million worth of damage and divide it by 1,600 uneducated people,  now compare it to £1,5 billion that Mr Adoboli (allegedly single handed) has lost…that is the price tag of a good solid education! Or is it…?   That’s why it’s dangerous to measure things by their financial value alone…There are more important ways of evaluating commodities than by giving them a price tag.  Greed is no good - Wall Street!

Now then: the rioters and looters…

Everyone has talked about them, emotions ran high with people spewing fire and venomous comments. People of all backgrounds and degrees of expertise have tried to find a justification for those three days of insanity that ran wild in our streets! Some beating themselves up, others symbolically beating the crap out of the mob.

And now that all the public figures have made their statements and given their interpretations according to their own agenda, the politicians are asking us common people what do we think it was the cause …

Okay, I had vowed not to write about the riots, and to let that go. I've tried to step gingerly over the psychological debris they’ve left on our community spirit… but I just can’t resist any longer!

If we are to make progress into addressing what happened during those three days of drug fuelled, sheer madness of consumerist greed imploding on itself, we must consider that there were various types of people causing chaos and that casting them all as just one type, like the justice system is doing, is only going to compound to the social void we are in.

To start with we should make a distinction between the rioters and the looters.

Although some might have crossed over, this was not always the case.

The rioters were angry.

Angry about many things, various things…and if you have been angry before, and who hasn’t? You know that you might start by being angry at one thing but that your inventory of grievances soon piles up! Now imagine this individual effect being fuelled by the anger of dozens, hundreds of people…it was big, it was explosive, it was caustic and it blew up!

The looters were hungry.

Some were hungry for food, and we heard of some reports of kids breaking into Macdonald’s and frying their own burgers! These guys must have had some training…I can tell you that if you were to let me lose in the kitchen of a fast food outlet I wouldn’t know where to start!

Others were breaking into Iceland and Lidl! I mean… no offence but if money is not an issue, wouldn’t you rather go to Waitrose and M&S? These rioters were not only hungry, they are also creatures of habit and stuck to the safety of what they knew. They have shopped at these stores all their lives so at least they knew where to find the frozen carrots and the toilet paper…

Looting is misplaced shopping, and the looters were the shops’ loyal customers!

This is why retail sustained such heavy losses: shops lost both their stock and their customers. Either because they’ve been in jail since or because they already got what they needed, they haven’t been back to the shops for a while!

We had the discerning looters:

Those who looked for particular items and brands and who wouldn’t settle for less…some apparently did home shopping, ordering their looting to be done by the lesser members of their gang - their personal staff…

Then the hoarders...

They just grabbed anything they could whether they needed it or not on a “it might come in hand later” attitude.

And lastly we had the recycling looters:

Those who just came behind looking at the damage and picking up after the more consumerist types, with the view that “ if it’s going to waste I might as well have it”!

By the Undercover Homeopath

Tuesday, 13 September 2011

Keep your hands off the NHS Mr Cameron!

Mr Cameron I’ve got a message for you: keep your hands off the NHS!

I know that I shouldn’t care about this, but I do! The truth is that some of my patients use the NHS and any cuts to the service affect them too.

Homeopathy is after all a complementary therapy!

If any of my colleagues is reading this, they are probably wondering which side am I on…but you see no one is one dimensional, and sometimes if we want to be coherent with ourselves we have to take controversial causes too. Just like that sceptic guy the other day on twitter who spotted my blog, tweeted it to all his followers and managed to included me on the Homeopathy is Out magazine - I thank you for that! Or was it by mistake…?

In the case of the NHS, I much rather know that my patients have a choice

That they've made an informed decision, not that they’ve come to see me out of despair from not having the medical support they deserve!

And if they chose the combined approach of homeopathy/healing and conventional medicine, I like to know that they are being closely monitored by their GP or their consultant, and backed up by proper tests.

The world becomes a better place if we all work together for the ultimate goal that is our patients' wellbeing!

Even for those patients who have decided that they can dispense with their doctor’s opinion, "because it’s their own body and they bloody well know what they want“, I still like to know that if they change their mind at any point they are able to rely on the NHS.

If you, Mr Cameron start to reduce services without listening to the 10,000 NHS staff telling you why you shouldn’t, we are all to become poorer.

Good health and education infrastructures are not only the preserve of a civilised world, they are also what makes us civilised in the first place…if you erode those under whatever pretext, whether financial or other, you are turning your vision of the Big Society into the very Sick Society that you abhor.

In a healthy society people are able to think and to make decisions for themselves

In order to do this they require proper education, they need to be aware of the many options available to them so that when they make a decision it is a deliberate, well informed one.

The less options we give them the more remote control we are exercising on them.

This is why I do not condone any sort of radicalism, there is never an excuse for that. To be able to have flexibility of mind and to adapt to every circumstance is the Holistic approach that you were trying to articulate in your speech when you mentioned that you were risking sounding like a homeopath…don’t worry, unless your change your policy a lot, you don’t sound like one at all…

Now on a different note, a tweet spiked my curiosity, so I decided to "follow the evidence"

Someone was expressing their disappointment with the Homeopathy display in the Natural History Museum. Well I couldn’t agree more! I spent over two hours looking for it, which when you are wearing stilettos and a pencil skirt is no mean feat, and I couldn’t find it!

I mean it’s so secret than not even the staff knows where it is…I looked everywhere! Where are they hiding it? In the gents? It’s the only place where I didn’t look…

In the end I decided to visit the “Sexy Beast” exhibition instead which is well worth seeing
It’s on until the 2nd of October only so if you are in London go and see it.

It is a multimedia display about animal magnetism…and sex: lots of it! It gives a good insight from a scientific perspective, to the range of reproductive variations in many species.

From courtship and mating rituals of some species, to the wonderful weirdness of their reproductive systems…

It’s fascinating! For instance did you know that roman snail lovers can spent hours in foreplay just rubbing and massaging each other’s heads and then shoot love darts at one another before copulating?

Or that the Gartner snake mating can involve one female and up to 25 males all in a ball, and that there is even a pseudo female who can mimic the female’s pheromones and fool all the other males into pilling up on top of him in order to keep him warm?

About keeping warm… there was a story this week that warmed my heart, and apparently those of many people: David Walliams

Perhaps even more so because he is the unlikely hero - a comedian with a very strange sense of humour sometimes borderline intimidating, offering us a grotesque caricature of society, and of himself.

He has spoken frankly and publicly in the past about his chronic depression which is nevertheless eased by keeping physically active practicing sport, and by his work as a comedian.
He also did what not many of us would have been prepared to do: he swam the length of Thames to raise money for disadvantaged kids through Sports Relief. He’s raised a lot of money and the donations are still going!

I hope that makes it all worth it, the raw sewage that ended up on his tummy causing tremendous colic and diarrhoea, his fear of the swans, the extreme cold, the insect bites, his fear of someone dropping a brick on his head from one of the bridges…

He did it!

And now on his priority list are a bath, a drink with his friends, spending some time with his wife and opening the post!

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Homeopathy is not glamorous

Have you ever heard about the kid who wanted to be a homeopath?

No? Nor have I!  If you want to know what are the currently most glamorised professions, ask a 6 year what they want to be when they grow up, and you will get a fairly good idea… footballer, prime minister, chef, medical doctor, fireman, celebrity, and vet, all rank pretty well. Homeopath sadly doesn’t even make it to the top 50. You might say it’s just because their parents don’t know how to spell it. Well that might had been the case up until four or five years ago, but it is no longer.

Several years ago, every time I told people that I was studying homeopathy, they would look at me with that strange expression and ask: homeowhat? But these days thanks to the concerted attack of the media on a weekly basis, homeopathy has finally started to become more popular. Now when I say that I am a homeopath, people don’t look at me as if I’m coming out of the closet, or if I’m confessing to be part of a strange religious cult, instead they look at me with interest and ask, Oh! Are you?

But even now we cannot claim that to become a homeopath is the ambition of a child. In fact we cannot even claim it to be the realistic job option once we grow up and are forced to settle for a less glamorous job in order to pay the bills.

The average homeopathy college is full of chicks

and very few blokes, but if you are a young dude in need of ideas on how to pull chicks I suggest you re-set your browser and navigate quickly away from this site, before you embark on a lengthy and expensive course and end up getting more than you bargained for!
Lets face it, we are not glamorous at all as a group, salve few exceptions.  Your average homeopathic college is filled up with middle age overweight frumpy ladies in jeans, with pony tails and facial hair, plus the occasional bloke, normally a retired hippy.

You shouldn’t feel sorry for the odd guy among the homeopathic group, as he will normally end up becoming part of the next generation of teachers. They might be the minority but somehow they always end up becoming famous homeopaths and teachers.

The females, although some will become teachers as well, mostly tend to stick to healing their families and close friends, and to take other jobs to pay their bills, with only a small percentage making it into the very competitive complementary medicine market.

Even for the few of us who become famous, fame is very relative.

We are not talking about Big Brother celebrity fame.

You might ask why would someone want to do it, graduating in homeopathy I mean, not the Big Brother thingy which is quite obviously the way to go in terms of fame and recognition.

But homeopathy… being bashed around by the media on a weekly basis, not making enough money to pay the bills, having to dwell on the patients’ cases for hours looking for that illusive clue to what their simillum remedy might be… personally, I guess my best chance of fame will be if the quackmeter website people decide to nominate me in their wall of shame and to publish a link to this blog, so if any of you is reading this, I’m not asking for any favours, but a little publicity wouldn’t go a miss…

Hard to explain why someone would want to become a homeopath...

For most people the transition between allopathy, conventional medicine that is, and homeopathy is a painful journey. I sometimes tell my patients that most people who have never tried homeopathic treatment before, would feel embarrassed to admit it, but secretly they put a great faith in homeopathy.

They go on for years, filling themselves up with toxins from the way they eat, the air they breath, the medicines they take, allowing themselves to be bombard with radiation from mobile phones, WiFi, eating microwaved and irradiated food, and so on… they put themselves under enormous pressure and stress, and every time they become sick they ask their doctors to turn off our alarm signals and to ply them with some more drugs so that they can numb the pain, suppress the symptoms and just live to fight another day. We all know fully well that there are no magic medicines: our bodies weren’t built to be suppressed and if an illness is suppressed the pathology will just move into another organ.

It is in fact so predictable where the next ailment will manifest that I normally tell my patients, to go and read the side effects of the drug they are currently taking if they want to know what they are going to suffer from next.

And then, and just then, once all the doors have been closed, and they are told that whatever health problem they have, cannot be cured, that they must stick to your medication for life, or that it’s just old age, and so on, then, and only then, they have an inspiration…

Let’s try homeopathy!

This is in no way a criticism, this is the way most of us homeopaths first became aware of this complementary medicine system too, either from experiencing first hand suffering or by observing someone close, normally one of our children suffer from chronic problems that conventional medicine just aggravated instead of healing.

Coming into homeopathy involves often a certain degree of physical and psychological suffering

that tends to drag on for years until we finally realised that the more conventional options of treatment were failing us.  Wrestling with our scepticism about our own healing ability, and finally understanding that we too could study homeopathy and become healers saving others the painful journey we have been through.

The process begins: studying homeopathy is lengthy and it never really ends...

Part of the homeopathic philosophy is that every patient is unique, and that detailed analysis of an individual, getting to know his personal history both medical and psychological is necessary to foment their healing ability.

This process involves taking a person’s case in minute detail to get the complete picture of their various symptoms and how these can be affected for better and for worst, and then matching all of this to one of the almost five thousand homeopathic remedies available. And this is only the first appointment!

Because of our life style most of us will have too many layers of blockages or obstacles to cure

although most people have some improvement after their first appointment, they in general require subsequent appointments in order to complete their self-healing process. On following appointments we look at what had changed in their symptoms picture since their last prescription, and re-define their homeopathic portrait and match this again to the correct remedy.

I see myself as a health detective:

In my view every little sensation counts, this is what makes you different from everyone else, and if I want to boost and stimulate your immune system in order to help you to heal yourself,

You and me must get familiar with all those little symptoms!

If you are new to Homeopathy and are just wondering how does it work, don’t even go there! Sorry if I’m sounding a bit wary, but it’s just that sooner or later that insidious question seems to prop up into everyone’s mind! Have you ever tried to ask your GP how medicine works? Go on, do it next time just to see their face…I'm only joking, you mustn’t waste your doctor’s time.

I repeat: YOU MUST NOT WASTE YOUR DOCTOR’S TIME! And you shouldn’t waste mine either!

The same way that it might be interesting to analyse medicine in detail as a health system and try to understand all the biochemical processes of any possible drug prescribed to you and how they work, but your doctor’s surgery is not the place to do this: he or she is not necessarily the best equipped person to tell you about it; it is not my place either, as a homeopath, to explain how homeopathy works and why does it work, be contented that I can select from a vast range of remedies the right one to treat you, that is my job.

If you want to know how it works, I suggest you study quantum physic, of all the scientific branches seems to be the one that comes closer to explainning the homeopathic healing phenomenon.

Just in case that young dude of earlier on is still reading:

study as you may, you are more likely to unravel the secrets of the universe with it than to pull any chicks, but hey, what do I know? I’m just a homeopath…

And now, if you will excuse me I've got to go pluck my chin.

Meet you next week, same time, same place!

By the Undercover Homeopath

Monday, 5 September 2011

The Medical and the Pharmaceutical Industries under threat

Spare a thought for the medical profession and the drug industry, they feel under threat and so they should…

there is a new healing method that doesn’t involve cutting and removing people’s internal organs, nor palliating their diseases with aggressive drugs which sooner or later cause side effects that in most cases are even worse than the original ailment they were meant to treat!

The new healing system is gentle but effective, it is also inexpensive. It doesn’t palliate - it heals.

These were the claims of Dr Samuel Hahnemann, a young Victorian physician who was shocked at the high percentage of deaths that conventional medicine caused due to the radical methods it used: a combination of highly toxic drugs, blood letting, and risky and often fatal surgery. He decided that he didn’t want to practice medicine in such a sadistic way, and that it should be a better way. Being also a linguist he had worked as a translator to supplement his income while a medical student.  His translations included the works of Hippocrates, the father of medicine. Through these he knew there was a better way. To his new method he called Homeopathy, meaning “like cures like”: it was soon a great success first in Germany and then in France.

So what went wrong?

The Victorian drug industry might had been deadly but they were also powerful, there was a lot of money to be made, and they could not have risked financial ruin by allowing a medical system that didn’t bring them any revenue, on the contrary, posed a threat to their existence, to thrive…

The difference between palliating and treating:

And what is the story now? Well, some things have changed, or perhaps not so much changed but evolved. Medicine managed to remove themselves out of the Quack reputation it used to carry, reduced greatly the number of casualties it causes - although the annual figures for medical prescriptions related deaths are still quite shocking… and gained respectability with the aid of the drug industry. But has it become curative? That depends…if we look just at isolated results - yes, it is able to treat isolated diseases, eliminating whatever complaints the patient had before treatment, not always but in a good percentage of cases. But for how long? Years, months, weeks, before the patient returns with other complaints directly related to the treatment they were originally given? They might not suffer from the same disease, but due to the high toxic levels of chemicals they’d been taking in order to suppress malfunction of one organ, a greater strain is put into the other organs.

The evolution of Homeopathy:

What about Homeopathy, what has changed? For some nothing: it is still the same gentle and effective healing system as before…still practiced by the so called “Classic Homeopaths” in exactly the same terms Dr Hahnemann first defined in the Organon.

For others, homeopathy has changed a great deal! I am among the latest. Progressive homeopaths, although still respecting the Organon as the set basic principles of Homeopathy, also understand the need for change and adaptability in order to heal their patients.

Homeopathy aims at the re-establishing of the natural equilibrium of the individual, boosting their immune system in order to heal illness.

It has to address not only the disease the patient has but also to detox their system from all the pollutants they are subjected to.

These include pesticides in the food, air and water supplies; drugs taken: both medical and recreational, as well over consumption of stimulants, also radioactivity, and stress: that's right I consider stress an emotional pollutant.

Most of these factors apart from the toxic medicines, and the stimulants, were not around in the 1800s when Homeopathy first started. In order to treat the patient we have to address the cause of the disease, and as you can see, as far as causes go, the scope of possible pollutants has widened a great deal since. That is why some of us, have also widen the we range of remedies we use.

The way we use homeopathic or vibrational remedies is very different from the way you would use the material substance without dilution, as for instance in medical drugs and in herbalist therapy.

Whether you using chemical drugs or herbs you are dealing with a fairly large amount of substance that are supposed to combat the symptoms of a disease. In simple terms you would be fighting fire with water - this is common sense approach. So for instance in medicine if someone had a temperature you would prescribe an anti-pyretic, pyretic from the Greek: fire, and anti: against.

The same with herbs, you would prescribe a herb that has a cooling effect, for instance Borage.

When we’re talking about vibrational remedies, I prefer to call them this way instead of Homeopathic, I’ll explain why later; the rules of common sense no longer apply. This is why it is so easy for the scientific community to manipulate the opinion of the less informed masses and to ridicule Homeopathy.

The difference between chemical drugs and homeopathic remedies in the way they address disease is the equivalent to the difference between Wrestling and Judo in fighting:

Medical drugs combat illness by matching strength with strength.  Vibrational remedies treat illness by manipulating its weakest point.

Once a substance has been diluted, and it is no longer matter, just a vibration or archetype of it, it starts to affect matter in a different way. It is no longer strong enough to cause suppression to a particular ailment, therefore it would be pointless to try to apply the same principles as in fighting matter with matter - we can no longer use a substance that can neutralise an imbalance, for example fighting fire with water. It happens is that we now have to work though the principles of harmony not opposition. Therefore if we want to lower a persons temperature we would give them “temperature” in potencised, non-material dose.

There is however no such thing as “temperature” as remedy, so what we would do in homeopathic treatment is to try to categorise that temperature the patient is suffering from. This would include taking all the symptoms they are having, finding out what caused the temperature to start, and what physical, and even mental and emotional aspects ameliorate the patient. For example if a patient is having a fever after being out on cold, rainy day, and feels better by being in bed all rugged up and drinking a warm drink, we would not use the same remedy as for a patient who is having a temperature as a result of heatstroke, wants the windows open, and feels better from a wet flannel on their forehead.

Once we have established all of these, we look at which remedy better matches the symptoms.





Better for for

Body Fluids

Wet exposure

Cold shivers

To be covered


Being alone

Sweat excessive

Cold exposure

Lay down

Not very thirsty


Urine reduced

There will be several remedies that match some of these symptoms, the best remedy, however is the one matching all or nearly all the symptoms. This is only simple, acute, case. The more complicated and prolonged the illness is the more symptoms we will have to consider.  
But what does matching the symptoms mean?

It means finding the remedy that proved to produced these type of symptoms when taken by someone who was previously well. The proving of a remedy, according to original Hahnemann’s method involves taking the remedy repeatedly over a period of time - take note Ten23! Not like you are doing : in your hysterical display of ignorance - gobbling a whole bottle of pills at once! Watch out for that weight gain - some of you seem to be suffering already from the excess sugar this hobby of yours is providing …take the note of Dr Goldacre - he doesn’t look like he swallows any of his experiments, and yet is still able to provide a fairly reasonable argument and to keep himself in shape! Meet you next week, same time, same place!

The unlikely campaigners for Homeopathy

By the Undercover Homeopath

Science's limitations
There is no active ingredient in homeopathic remedies. Well, by whose account? It would be more reasonable to say that according to current available resources, science has been unable to identify any active ingredient in homeopathic remedies. So if no one can’t find anything in homeopathic remedies yet it is because science has not advanced enough yet to be able to do this! I’m sorry but that seems to be the only area where people actually feel proud to boast about their impotency…when it comes to science exposing its own limitations it doesn’t seem to carry the same embarrassment and stigma of, let’s say for instance, someone not being able to perform in the bedroom…

The way things stand at moment I would be seriously concerned if something was to be found on my remedies!

Drawing from scientific analyses, and showing: NOTHING, is the way it should be for now, at least until science has developed other means of testing.
Homeopathy is alive and kicking, and being greatly promoted by the most unlikely people. It has the power to turn an otherwise cool, rational and detached sceptic community into raging, irrational individuals some of which seemed to make attacking homeopathy their full occupation…it makes you wonder who is funding them.

Criticism can be the best promotion...

If I was giving awards to this kind of negative promotion the first prize should go to the 10.23 group! When I first started to study homeopathy and I told other people about it, the invariable reply was: “homeo what?!” Now thanks to the very public antics of a group who won’t stop at nothing, not even at making fools of themselves, people’s reaction has dramatically changed. The reply I get these days when I say that I am a homeopath is more likely to be: “Oh! Are you? “ This normally follows with their pitch for a free consultation, as they normally have something they would like to know if I could do something about, which remedy I would recommend…
Still thinking about the Ten23. Why the name? Is that because they always meet precisely and punctually at the same time: 10.23? If so, I think some of my patients could learn from them…err…some are not really sticklers for time keeping and they disrupt my schedule. I think the next time someone is late I will make them sit through the latest offerings of the Ten23 You Tube , perhaps they will learn something about time keeping!

But are the Ten23 members not able to read the instructions on the homeopathic remedies they are taking? I mean they even have some school aged children among them, surely at least one of them should be able to read…don’t they know that gobbling an entire bottle of pills of a remedy at once is the same as taking just one dose? And that a remedy chosen at random without any resonance with their ailments, personality type, genetic make up, and so on, is totally useless and it could not possibly affect them? I think they know…that’s why they don’t mind involving their own children in this, otherwise it could easily be constructed as irresponsible parenting!

But I wouldn’t get children involved in these publicity stunts, staging “homeopathic overdoses”. Obviously due to the way homeopathy works there are no homeopathic overdoses, and anyway Homeopathy is perfectly safe to be used by children, that is not my concern. My concern is that once these kids will grow up, someone at college might recognise seeing them making fools of themselves along with their parents…well let’s say it’s not really the thing to put on your Face Book profile, or to impress the girls with is it?…

the power of the Placebo...

Now, one campaigner I must admit I have a soft spot for - is Dr Ben Goldacre! Perhaps I shouldn’t say this, but he is just too distracting for me: “Sorry dear, what were you saying about red pills, and blue pills? …Yeah, beautiful eyes, I’m sure they’d just changed colour…I swear they looked almost purple a moment ago…Ah! What? The placebo effect? Umm…lovely smile, great white teeth…sorry, you were saying…?” In fact it is so unfair! When a person is that attractive we just tend to switch off from their message. It doesn’t seem to work the same way in advertising thought where the message is just very basic: “Buy this! If you haven’t bought yet you are a moron! What the hell are you waiting for? Have you bought it yet?” I reckon Ben could have a very successful carer in advertising! Perhaps he could advertise Prof Richard Dawkings T-Shirts…I here is trying to peddled them on Twitter, I’m sure they would go faster!

But seriously now…Ben is saying something absolutely wonderful and empowering and I want to give him credit for that! He is talking about the placebo effect not only in homeopathy but in other medical systems, his study has even covered allopathic drugs. Well I want to believe him! If I understand him well, and I’m sure if I don’t he will come forward to correct me, he is saying that the reason why people are able to heal is not so much due to whatever they are taking but due to their believe in the effectiveness of what they are taking.

That someone well respected and admired in the scientific community is able to see this and to say it - that definitely deserves my respect! Yes, I too want to believe in the healing power of the placebo, because it empowers us humans into understanding that we are able to heal ourselves without the need for drugs or any other forms of therapy be it conventional or alternative!

Finally someone has seen the light and has invested time, effort, their knowledge, their name, and their reputation into proving what I have suspected for a long time…
we all have within ourselves the power to heal ourselves! It is only a question of believing…matter follows thought, if you learn to think yourself healthy your are most likely to get there. That is the message I give to all my patients: it is not me healing you, it is you healing yourself, I’m only facilitating the process by giving the right tools, showing how to open new doors into the unknown in order to unlock your healing powers and to boost your immune system. Thank you Ben for confirming this scientifically too!

Unfortunately the placebo theory although almost perfect, doesn’t quite explain why animals and children are able to heal despite not having this belief…

perhaps Ben your theory needs a fresh perspective, I’m not sure, but I sense that you are on the right track. More on this next week.

Now…who else is up for the awards on the negative reinforcement of Homeopathic promotion? Well, I think we only have two more names worth mentioning: Richard Dawkings and the magician, sorry I’ve forgotten his name…I really haven’t read much about Prof Dawkings reasons for being against homeopathy so it wouldn’t be fare for me to comment on those. All I can say in my defence is that I had to read enough boring material during my PhD to last me a life time…if I can I’ll try to look into it, but right now I’m otherwise engaged,: I’m half way through Prince Charles’ book “Harmony” and finding it a much more inspiring read!