Friday 9 December 2011

Homeopathy Celebrities on the couch: George Clooney, the power of a king!

This week the Undercover Homeopath analyses George Clooney's psychological profile according to homoeopathy principles and prescribes a homoeopathic remedy.

George Clooney needs no introduction!

Or does he? We are so used to seeing successful actors in the media that their faces, emotions and expressions become more familiar to us than our own.

We forget that what we are looking at is a character they’ve lend themselves to in order to tell us a story.

Unlike musicians who put themselves forward for all to see, and often even add on to this by writing their own lyrics, so that we get to know them really well, or artists who convey their thinking and feeling processes through their medium; actors create an illusion of total and unconditional surrender to their audience by lending their bodies, their emotions, their personal experiences to their character but without really compromising their privacy nor revealing who they are. The more an actor is typecast the more our illusion of knowing them really well is perpetuated.

George Clooney has a particularly multifaceted character. He is a scriptwriter, movie director, producer and actor.

He plays basketball regularly. Although he doesn’t appear particularly reclusive nor secretive he has made it clear that his private life is his own and not to be shared by the media.

We have known of his slightly troubled romantic life with a failed marriage and a succession of girlfriends.

We know of his past jobs before he went into acting: several low profile sale jobs and even work in a tobacco plantation cutting leaves.

We also know of some of his serious illnesses: while still at school he suffered from Bell’s palsy which caused him to be bullied by the other kids. He had a serious back and brain injury while filming Syriana - he was driven to contemplate suicide while in hospital, by the severe pain and the extent of the injury he suffered, at one point he was losing CFS fluid through his nose. He still suffers from occasional migraines as a result of the accident.

Perhaps most touching, we've known of his pets, the most famous of all: Max the enormous potbelly pig with whom he had a special bond, crediting the pet with saving his life when the pig woke him up just before an Earthquake.

He was twice nominated the “Sexiest Man Alive” by the People magazine

He has received two Golden Globe awards and an Academy Award, and many other nominations and awards for acting, but perhaps the most prestigious awards have been those pertaining to his political stance in defence of those who don‘t have a voice - He was presented with the Summit Peace Award, and he’s also been nominated a UN messenger of peace.

He has used his success and connections in the movie industry for social activism

He's been instrumental in raising awareness to the Darfur conflict, which has seen thousands and thousands of people being prosecuted and killed in one of the longer lasting conflicts in history.

George has also spoken against the Iraq war, alerting political leaders to the fact that we cannot fight a war with war, and that every war we fight we are creating a new generation of people seeking revenge.

George’s homoeopathic profile is Bismuth

This mineral is part of the gold series of the periodic table: the entire series carries an aura of power and kingship to some extent. Aurum being the recognised supreme king. Bismuth, which is stage 15 typifies the aftermath. One has been king, but has lost his kingdom, there is a choice of either trying to cling on to power in a vain attempt to resist the unavoidable or surrender gracefully.

Bismuth is also one of the remedies where suicide is most prevalent. All the gold series has a theme of depression relating to power- desire to attain it, abuse of power, or loss of power depending which stage in the periodic table they appear. All of these can be motivations for suicide.

In Bismuth, there is the realisation that power without strong social and moral values is hollow.

In Bismuth there is a strong dichotomy between idealism and cynicism: the person knows that if power is used to oppress others will not last, and true strength comes from empowering others and giving them a voice. They can sometimes feel powerless towards social injustice and even resort to suicide as a last resort to keep some control over their existence and the way they chose to live or die.

There is also humour expressed as irony in Bismuth, with subjects seeing themselves with enough detachment to be able to laugh.

Clooney has displayed this quirky side in many occasions both by making ironic comments about his political opponents, and also when lampooned in several programmes including South Park series - even saying he would have been offended if the program didn't make fun of him!

At a physical level, Bismuth is one of the remedies for facial paralysis and Bell’s palsy.

With Bismuth everything happens suddenly, life and death have a blurred boundary: Clooney has had a few near miss death experiences and sudden accidents

The one most publicised was the motorcycle accident in 2007. His stay in hospital attracted enormous publicity when dozens of hospital staff abused their position of trust by looking at his medical records.

Bismuth people are private, they don’t like to have their personal details exposed, and yet in a genuine display of sympathy to the hospital personnel, Clooney requested that no one should be punished over the incident: that is the whole mark of a true king - the power to be magnanimous!

By the Undercover Homeopath