Sunday, 22 April 2012

Homeopathy celebrities on the couch: Jessie J

Jessie J "Mamma knows best" by Jizzy30,

British Hip-Hop singer Jessie J has been described as a manic persona with a monster voice, and full of confidence.  
Her musical style has been as a personal identity crisis.
Ailbhe Malone of the music magazine NME commented on her latest album: "This is an album of singles for other artists. There’s Rihanna Jessie (‘Do It Like a Dud’), Perry Jessie (‘Abracadabra’), Pixie Jessie (‘Mamma Knows Best’), Ellie Jessie ('Big White Room')."
She is one of the coaches in the BBC program “The Voice UK”, and although she’s just starting, she’s already been tipped off for a long and successful career, both as a song writer and as a singer.
Her personal life has been fraught with illness. 
At 11 years she was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat which granted her a lot of invasive medical attention and frequent hospitalisations.
At 18 years old she suffered a stroke.  She’s always suffered from panic attacks, and she had one recently while performing a gig in the dark.
She has a peculiar body language both on stage and on her videos, with some ritualised hand movements, and a strange dance routine.  She appears to be disconnected from the reality at times.
Last year she fell off the stage, breaking an ankle and causing severe tendon damage to her left foot.  Her recovery from this injury was a lot slower than expect and complicated by the onset of arthritis.
Although tall and slim, Jessie J has a big appetite, and she commiserated about not being able to do exercise when she had her foot in plaster but still wanting to eat a kebab. She requires lots of sweets, salt and vinegar crisps, and spicy and takeaway foods while recording "The Voice UK".
She tries to keep herself healthy, by staying off drugs and alcohol.
Some of her quotes:
Panic attack
“I did a gig recently and had a panic attack on stage. The night was called 'Black Out' and I had to perform in the dark. I asked them to turn on the lights and they didn't. I was onstage in pitch black and, because I couldn't see anything, I started to panic. It was awful.

“At 11 I was diagnosed with an irregular heartbeat. I had wires put in my shoulder, groin and heart to try and zap it to a normal rhythm, but it didn't really work. Then, at 18, I suffered a minor stroke. It was scary, but I'm fine now. Having bad health has made me realize I can't take anything for granted and I must look after my body.
"Keep making nervous jokes with the doctor and he keeps looking at me blankly. Which is making me laugh even more. It's getting serious. I just took my nose stud out." (on surgery to her recent foot injury.)
(Tweeting after the surgery) "Can't keep tweeting. Still very dizzy and being sick. But I'm OK, I got through it.”
Jessie J says the album's title track, "Who You Are", is one of her proudest creations, she said the song is a "positive role model for young people" and "I always say that I'm half-artist, half-therapist".

“I'm a clean-living girl, I don't drink or smoke and would never do drugs. I used to get panic attacks really badly when I was younger. I don't like not being in control. I'm getting better though.

“I've never denied it. Whoopie doo guys, yes, I've dated girls and I've dated boys - get over it. It's not a secret, but it's the only thing they can grab onto - they're like, 'She never drinks and she comes out of the party looking like she did when she went in, damn her!'
“I’m still in a daze, to be honest, because everything I look for I’m still looking in myself for.”
Jessie J homeopathic remedy is Cannabis Indica:
Cannabis, also known as Marijuana, has been used throughout the world for thousands of years. Firstly for spiritual and religious reasons to attain a connection to the lost world of spirituality and to commune with the gods.
Its medicinal properties were also known, and there are reports of its use from China, Greece, Egypt, Assyria, and India, some dating from 8,500 years ago.
Extensive medical research has been conducted on the active ingredients of this tropical plant: Tetrahydrocannabinols or THC’s. Studies have covered anorexia, arthritis, MS, glaucoma, anaesthesia and nausea.
Cannabis has also been used extensively around the world for recreational purposes, or what some would consider “personal research”… it’s known for promoting bonding between users, inducing euphoria, easy and uncontrollable laughing, dream like state, and heightened sensorial awareness, triggering also confused thoughts and memories.
After the initial “high” it causes extreme hunger, it can also cause dizziness and nausea.
In homeopathy Cannabis Indica can be prescribed in potency in order to treat delusions and out of the body experiences, painful conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS), cramps, dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation), arthritis, panic attacks, phobia of the dark, food cravings: particularly craving of sweets associated with hypoglycaemia.
Cannabis homeopathic remedy fits Jessie J very well both at the personality level with her easy bonding and friendly manner, disinhibited body language, and her openness towards her audience even in issues such as her sexuality. 
Cannabis in potency is also one of the main remedies for some of Jessie’s physical symptoms such as the panic attacks, fear of the dark, arthritic pain and cramps in general, strokes, mental confusion and giggling, excessive appetite, uncontrollable speech, identity confusion, etc.   
By the Undercover Homeopath