Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Homeopathy celebrities on the couch: Rod Stewart, free from the heart

Rod Stewart, singer, musician, songwriter, football player, railway model maker…
His trademark is his husky voice, and his bleached mane.  Tall and slim, he exudes dynamism. He is also known for his self-deprecating sense of humour.
Some call him romantic, sexy, cheesy, cheeky, even cocky…
He has been through several long term relationships and fathered eight children by five different women.
Born in North London during the World War II, just after a V-2 missile hit the nearby police station, he is the youngest of five children after an eight years gap, and he admits to a “fantastically happy childhood” being slightly spoiled by his family. 
Stewart's family is a mixed Scottish and English background. 
His hobby was railway modelling started as a child and it has been a life long passion: he has two complete layouts of famous railroads at his US and UK homes.
He started playing music at young age, and left school without great achievements.
As a teenager he was shy and nervous on stage, but confident with the girls.
He enjoyed drinking, listening to R&B and playing the harmonica. He also had a fear of death which he overcame by taking first a job at the local cemetery as a grave digger and later at a funeral parlour.
He played professional football briefly, but the fact that it forced him to get up too early, preventing him from drinking and forcing him to do menial tasks such as cleaning the boots of the senior team, put him off a long term career– that and the fact that it made him ill, sometimes vomiting during training.
But he’s still passionate about football which he plays once a week to keep fit.
Since his recovery from thyroid cancer in 2000 he became a campaigner for various cancer charities. 
He had to re-train as a singer as his raspy voice was affected by the surgery, but he's come up stronger, and even more determine to keep himself healthy by following a routine of healthy eating and regular exercise, trying to avoid heart disease, a trend on his paternal family.
His quotes:
"Well, a musician's life is a lot easier and I can also get drunk and make music, and I can't do that and play football. I plumped for music ... They're the only two things I can do actually: play football and sing." “I'm a rock star because I couldn't be a soccer star.”
“I want to go out at the top, but the secret is knowing when you're at the top, it's so difficult in this business, your career fluctuates all the time, up and down, like a pair of trousers.”
“I've had tremendous success ... I'm very lucky,”
A show is like having a climax. It's like having an incredible, natural climax. And then suddenly it's all finished, and you don't know what to do next.”
“I am always crazy for hot women. I am like a rabbit. I could do it anytime, anywhere.”
“I wish that I knew what I know now, when I was younger. I wish that I knew what I know now, when I was stronger”
Role model
“What I do now is all my dad's fault, because he bought me a guitar as a boy, for no apparent reason.”
 “How can my son not be straight after all I've said and done for him?”
 “If the father is not straight, neither will be the son.”
Playing by the rules
 “Only a fool permits the letter of the law to override the spirit in the heart. Do not let a piece of paper stand in the way of true love and headlines.”
“I left it this long because I wanted to get it right this time”
“Instead of getting married again, I'm going to find a woman I don't like and just give her a house”
“I've never been more in love with anyone nearly half my age than I am today. I'd get married in a minute if I weren't still married to somebody else.”
On being diagnosed with thyroid cancer: “I was in disbelief... I play a lot of soccer, I keep fit. This doesn't happen to me. Like most people, they think it won't happen to them.”
“I started singing in the bathroom... Nothing was coming out. It was ghastly.”
"I work like a dog to look like this. There's no easy option. I'm obsessed with my health. I love my life and want to live as long as I possibly can so I do whatever it takes. I eat right, I exercise, I'm a total fanatic and pretty much a germo-phobe.”
"I also have a trainer five days a week. I do an hour or two hours a day, a lot of cardio to clear out the arteries. I'm Scottish and we have a history of heart problems in the family. It's all about cleaning out the fat on the inside."
Rod Stewart’s homeopathic remedy is Iodum:
Iodum in homeopathic potency is used where there is a thyroid imbalanced whether overactive or under active, thyroid cancer, fast metabolic rate leading to malabsorption muscle wasting and thinness, laryngitis, chronic voice ailments such as a husky voice or voice loss, and various heart conditions such as palpitations, hypertrophy, a sensation of chest constriction and so on.
Although there are a few Iodum patients with a slow metabolism and a tendency to obesity the majority tend to be light weight, sometimes even emaciated although overeating – but this doesn’t protect them against cardiovascular diseases like everyone else.
On a psychological level the Iodum personality type tends to be hyperactive: they are compelled to do too much, they enjoy running. They have an overactive mind with an over concern about forgetting they tasks - they make mental notes.  Another dominant keynote is their desire for change: change to their environment, job, relationships, they tire easily of routine and predictability, they excitement in their lives.
They have a great sense of humour and are able to laugh at themselves, but they can also be oversensitive when others make fun of them. They are not known for their patience, they can become easily irritable.
Stewart's focus is and has always been on the heart: on his songs, on his sexual relationships, on his concerns about a possibility of inherited heart disease.
He has also demonstrated his desire for change many times, both in his career: he played with many bands; his relationships breakups; his wandering spirit ( when younger he was even arrested in Spain charged with vagrancy). His passion for fast cars and for railway modelling another expression of this desire to wonder.
On a physical level the characteristics of Iodum are also apparent in his tall and slender frame and on the characteristic rough voice, even on the ailments that are throat centred.
By the Undercover Homeopath