Tuesday 28 February 2012

Homeopathy celebrities on the couch: Bruce Springsteen living the shattered dream!

Springsteen’s songs have brought to the foreground an image of America that we couldn’t possibly have without his lyrics and his music.

He has introduced us to the working class American, the one who anonymously helps to build the American superpower, picture perfect, and glittery proud ideal the US has tried to portray to the world!

The US has bombarded the world with carefully crafted images of glamour and easy living through the US propaganda, Hollywood films, advertising, literature, political speeches and so on.

Springsteen, the “Boss”, is the one who showed us the dirty faces stricken with sweat and tears of the underpaid miners.

He gives us the other face of the victorious home coming of the war veterans with amputated limbs, unable to get work or to make a decent living, and forced to beg on the streets.

He has ripped the picture perfect reality of the middle class America to show us the dirty and smelly kids from drug addicted parents, who fear going back home at the end of day and would rather roam the streets or leave their hometown where there is no future for them.

He has also spoken often of the true spirit of freedom, of being able to break free from the oppressive environment of a small town and setting across the country.

Springsteen has rebelled against oppression, has given inspiration and hope to those who have nothing.  He has been the shouting voice muffling the glitzy propaganda for the American fantasy world of the fifties, he has lead the chorus of protest of the sixties speaking out for the kids who were left without a father as a result of the War, and he has showed us an America that has no rights, no welfare and no place in society.

His music has no place in the picture perfect Hollywood of a young beautiful and wealthy America with glamorous actresses covered in jewels and fur and smartly dressed actors driving expensive cars.

Springsteen has faithfully and relentlessly sided with the other America: the one living the shattered dream.

He has showed us the despair of many, but he has also given the underdog faith in the future, he's fueled their fight, given them the "spark to start a fire", not to give up and to fight for their rights.

His music is for taking to the streets, to the never ending American roads, to go see the world, the world that it’s ours, everyone’s.

He talks about an unrepressed desire for living behind the oppressive small town: a fascination to follow the road in to freedom, into the big city, into hope of a better life.

His message however is one of doom and gloom, the better life never materialises, because there is always social injustice, and oppression of the poor for the benefit of the rich no matter where you turn to.

Springsteen is a religious man, he has never hidden his strong links to Catholicism, and some of his songs are religious hymns; others are hymns to  freedom they are for uprising, and for rebelling - without religious or political conformism.

He is of Irish ancestry and as a child he was educated at a Catholic school, but even then his individuality, and his refusal to conform to the pre-established values caused havock with the nuns, and he soon had to be moved to another school!

As a teenager he didn't integrate within his school environment - his former headmaster recalls Bruce as a "loner who only cared for playing the guitar"... he completed his studies but didn't attend his own graduation as he didn't feel comfortable amongst his school mates.

Springsteen is an anti-hero denouncing social injustice, locked in eternal battle with the powers that be, he has been a constant voice for those who have lost their status and have no voice.

But he is an empty handed Messiah: bringing no salvation, he offers no solution, only the steely, cold, nude reality of a broken America.

Bruce Springsteen’s homeopathic remedy is Veratrum Album:

Veratrum Album is a remedy for deeply religious people, even fanatical. They can easily view themselves as a Christ, or a Messiah bringing salvation to the world.

They do not stand for social injustice. They can be very bossy, and unmoved in their opinions.

They can get irate easily, even cursing and insulting others. They can have an ironic smile, and they smile when angry.

When upset they isolate themselves, either by driving others out of their space, or by leaving home and abandoning their loved ones.

They have a pessimistic view of the world, they are well known for their doom and gloom prophecies.  They criticise existing values without offering a solution.

They feel they are superior to others and they are outspoken against those they perceive as wrong doers.

The Boss’ psychological profile is that of Veratrum Album, he has many characteristics of the remedy which on a healthy individual like himself can make him charismatic, but can also reach extreme behaviour if provoked into unbalance!

By the Undercover Homeopath