Friday 10 February 2012

Homeopathy celebrities on the couch: Kweku Adoboli, UBS brittle rough trader

Kweku Adoboli by El mostrador mercados,

The not so rogue trader, a soft, sensitive man. 

And a man of many ladies at least that’s what his neighbour says…
according to the same neighbour, whose favourite book was that written by a Wall Street man who claimed to

“party like a rock star and live like a king”

A man who kept himself to himself ( the nosey neighbour again!) who worked in finance and was trusted with the responsibility of dealing with huge amounts of money.

He comes from a strong religious background. He was Quaker educated, and his class mates recall how he would make motivational speeches about family values and about how his dad inspired him to be the best, yet kind and considerate towards others.

When stress kicked in, and the risk to be caught gambling other people's money as a UBS trader, his psyche threatening to crumble under the permanent stress, he confessed to his neighbour (that neighbour again!) that he needed a "miracle"...

In the end there was no miracle, and he decided to "jump rather then be pushed" confessing to his superiors what he had done.

His father, a former United Official has come in to offer support - he has pleaded with the Media to give his son a chance to be heard, he has claimed his son to be an honest man! 

Yet his son hasn't not spoken in court, has not offered a justification for what he's done, has not even entered a plea: guilty or Innocent.

Kweku's Homeopathic Remedy is Aurum Carb:

This remedy is all about gaining trust and respect. A lack of self-esteem and a constant fear of disappointing those in a position of authority causes the person who needs Aurum Carb to seek to prove to themselves further and further by assuming tasks where they are trusted to look after others within their family or clan.

Although they are ambitious and seek a status and responsibility, they are too weak be at the top of hierarchy, instead they need their self-worth to be validated by a father figure in their life.

This remedy is a salt, a combination of two elements: Gold and Carbon:

In the case of Kweku Adoboli, the "Gold" aspect of the remedy represents the social status and responsibility in the financial world as well as his religious background, and the need to keep dark secrets - those that would cause a fall from status if revealed.

Aurum has a suicidal tendency:

"Jumping rather than pushed" is very much part of the Aurum profile with its need to remain in control until the very end, even if this means having to take a dramatic action: it is the typical remedy deep depression with suicidal thoughts of jumping from high places.

The "Carbon" aspect of the remedy represents his sensitivity and vulnerability, as well as the strong paternal values. The individuals requiring Carbonicum remedies have a deep need for paternal guidance and approval. They define themselves by their father's status, and they try hard not to tarnish their family name - for them it is a question of acceptance too - being shunned by their family is the worth thing that could happen to them.

His week long trial has began today. He is quoted saying, while chocking back the tears:

"It isn't about a bank. It was about what I thought was my family, considering how much I neglected my real friends and family.

"Every single bit of effort I put into that organisation was for the benefit of the bank, the people around me and the book I worked on.

"If I was not so proud to work for UBS, I would never put so much effort trying to convince them that we could achieve something at this bank."

"To find yourself in Wandsworth Prison for nine months because all you did was work so hard for this bank..."

His father said in his defence:

"He wanted to make sure we could build something we could all be proud of," Mr Adoboli said.

By the Undercover Homeopath

Latest news on the trial