Friday 21 October 2011

Occupy: a movement that cannot be suppressed, the homeopathic view

Hi guys I’m back!  Sorry that you had to put up with my cousin Ben for the last two weeks, but all things considered I think he did rather well. The main thing is that he’s now safely back home, with his Irish harp - no more blogging for him - at least not on my site!

After spending two weeks touring around the French countryside, doing what I do best: mingling with fellow homeopaths and nature lovers, sampling good food and wine - all in moderation, I get back to England to find that our streets have been taken over by the people’s power! 

Being a homeopath I am sympathetic to the movement! In homeopathy we believe in expression not suppression! 

Just like disease cannot be suppressed and needs to be allowed to run its course in order to be healed, social problems cannot resolved by suppression.

If we want to heal social problems we have to be able to let people express them. Oppression only works temporarily taking the problems deeper underground until the next eruption! 

A totalitarian political system approach preventing people from demonstrating and protesting is the equivalent to conventional medicine approach to disease: you can temporarily suppress the problem only to see it bursting up stronger in another organ – and an added disease! In politics this erupting reaction to suppression is called “Revolt” in conventional medicine is called “sorry there nothing else I can do for you“.

In politics we need to build infrastructures to allow for a strong and healthy social fabric, in health we need to boost a patient’s immune system to allow them to fight disease! The more toxic we become, both psychologically and physically the less able we are to think for ourselves or to heal ourselves!

Analyzing the Occupy Wall Street protest and the way it has now spread to the rest of the world, I can sense its energy.  It corresponds to the energy of Helium and Hydrogen - together they form the first group of the periodic table. The first group of the periodic table pertains to the beginning of life - for the universe it is Big Bang, for us humans is the embryonic stage, it is a seed, an egg, an idea. 

It is an energy that simply exists without doing anything yet.  It relates the wholeness, and the first creative impulse. It carries a great desire for unity.  It is cosmic energy - the universe is made mostly of Hydrogen and Helium. Our Sun is composed of 99% of these two gases too. 

The Occupy protesters have claimed to be the 99%! 

In their quest for unity, they claim a majority of 99% against the 1% of greedy corporations. And just like the Sun rises into a new dawn marking the beginning of a new day so does the Occupy movement is rising into the beginning of a new order! 

What this new order will bring us only time will tell but it sure is uniting people with its call for the need to re-access social values - highlighting the social failure of an economic and political system based on greed that doesn’t take into account it’s people’s needs.  It’s calling for a new system where governments are no longer manipulated by the financial interests of a few large corporations. 

The  power of the Occupy movement lays in the fact that it doesn’t have a clear direction nor strategy: It’s able to mobilize us all into being free to take action against the current economic and political system - let’s just hope that it doesn’t get hijacked by opportunistic lesser causes.    

The OCCUPY Movement has quickly spilled from Wall Street and is alive and well in many cities around the world!  It is a peaceful protest - let’s hope it is allowed to remain peaceful and not forced to react to authoritarian forces attempting to suppress it… do not underestimate the power of this seemingly passive protest: it has the potential to become quite volatile and explosive if repressed - let’s not forget  how flammable and explosive Hydrogen is  - remember the Hydrogen bomb?

OWS is making ripples of change, one drop at the time.

And I dare say that if the Bible was written today God would say: “Go forth and #Occupy!”  It’s just that the traditional “Go forth and multiply” has created a population of seven billion and rising, and consuming the way we do, we are putting an enormous strain on nature’s resources. 

#Occupy could bring a much needed solution!