Monday 24 October 2011

Turning Magic into Science: Homeopathy leading the way

Dear ASA sorry but you really suck!
Not only you suck, you also suck up to… and it’s a pity because you were put in a position of trust to defend consumer’s rights and to point the finger at commercial wrong doing – but now… how can we still trust you when it is plain for who wants to see that have sold yourself to the Big Pharma and are being manipulated by a few Pharmapotheads who have an axe to grind with everything that is healing, natural, organic, non-toxic?
What kind of evidence based for complementary therapies do you want?  
To be honest with you, I couldn’t care less whether homeopathy and healing can be scientifically proven or not… but I know it matters to a lot of my colleagues who have put years of their life and all their resources into research in order to explain to some narrow minded, biased, pseudo-scientists how homeopathy works: their studies have been dismissed in favour of those that show scientific impotency to prove that homeopathy works!
It's about time we reverse the tables and start to demand scientific evidence that homeopathy doesn’t work!  
Don’t take me wrong…true science and scientific spirit - I really admire, but do not confuse it with a bunch of people who can use a few test tubes and take a few drugs themselves for true scientists! 
I see science as a child
A child who marvels us every time they learn how to do something knew.  But this “child” is still taking its first steps compared to how much there is that it cannot explain!  And just like a child should be guided and taken by the hand and shown the consequences of their own acts, so should science. 
Most crimes against nature and by extension against us humans have been perpetrated in the name of scientific development!  
It beggars believe how disconnected from nature some of these pseudoscience/ technocrats are!  Medicine and pharmacology are just two areas where this disconnection is evident, but there are many more areas. 
How can someone advocate that a medical treatment that will cause known horrendous side effects in some cases irreversible, claim that they own the truth about healing? 
It’s okay if there is no other choice, if there is a life threatening situation that requires immediate intervention – conventional medicine has saved many lives – never mind the toxicity… perhaps complementary medicine can later reverse some of the side-effects from the invasive but necessary medical treatment! 
But bullying people into using chemicals that take a toll on one’s quality of life in the long term as well as causing irreversible damage to the environment instead of nature friendly, immune system boosting medicine…?
What’s the excuse for their arrogance? 
Aren’t we all human, don’t the pharmapotheads have a body as well?  Are they so blinded by big pharma that they prefer to ruin their own bodies and those of the patients they are supposed to care for in favour of a few financial incentives?  Apparently yes…
And pseudo-scientific arrogance doesn’t stop here… it’s incredible how some seem to think of themselves as experts in all scientific branches!  Scientific development has caused a diversification and specialisation into many areas of research, however it is hilarious how many pharmapotheads think of themselves as some Leonard D’vinci – able to discuss and have an opinion about anything deemed scientific… I guess that’s a sure way to public discredit and ridicule.  
I see so much fanaticism and dogmatism about promoting big pharma in the Media that I’m starting to think that it is the new religion!
Isaac Newton – a true scientist, made one of the most brilliant discoveries and a tenet still held today by modern science by being hit on the head by a fallen apple… we can say that he was “nature inspired”  I wonder if a similar event could wake some of the pseudo-scientific technocrats today too…
Perhaps being hit on the head by a giant massive veg… or an enormous bottle of homeopathic pills…? 
Or being rounded up all together, having their daily drugs ration cut and taken to the wild for fresh air for a few days… I think that might encourage some respect for nature, some better understanding about their own bodies and some openness of mind! 
Although in some cases it seems to be in the best interest of public hygiene that some of these Pharmapotheads keep their minds well shut – judging by the stuff that comes out of their mouths…
True scientists are the ones who dare to ask questions, to challenge pre-establish rules, and to create new hypothesis… those who make “what if…” their motto. 
Those truly inspired minds are the ones who help to explain magic and to turn it into science! 
Without them we would still be living in caves… without central heating or smartphones!  Some of those true scientists had to defy the dogmatists of their time too – just like we have now, it’s just that dogmatists then went by a different name…they are called “the Church” – remember Galileo? 
Cheers to true Science!

By the Undercover Homeopath